Sunday 26 August 2012

Toy library

Getting new toys is so much fun...especially when you can return them when they are no longer interesting...but when they arrive, its super exciting!

Thursday 23 August 2012


Im often worried about how Myles manages when he is at childcare. Farewells range from being tearful to leaping out of my arms - it all depends on who is there to greet you. But when I pick him up it is always enthusiasm and racing over to jump into my arms. On 'dress up as your favourite storybook character' I thought of Myles' love for 'Thats not my monkey' the touch and feel book - so here is my version of how that looks!

Friday 17 August 2012


Myles is now 15mths old - not quite walking, still loves sucking his thumb and giggling is constant. His cuddles are divine and he is so funny when he plays with his cousins!